अचंभित होना - achanbhit hona meaning in hindi

Suggested :
अन्यचित्त | distracted |
Once in a studio, he could lack interest or be easily distracted | |
उत्कर्तन | dock |
The port of Port of Spain is able to dock large cruise ships. | |
ऐब | fault |
There is a fault in pipeline | |
उचकाना | give |
But the later three Vedas seem to give much more importance to the Ganges | |
तवक | sell |
Smash went on to sell over 11 million copies |
achanbhit hona
अक्षरों की संख्या: 11 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
acha.nbhita honaa
Related spellings : achanbhit hona
Related spellings : achanbhit hona
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